Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your rate?
A: My hourly rate is $250.

Q: When/where can I see your flash?
A: I am constantly updating my flash, it is updated most frequently on Instagram. You can also view it on my flash page on this website.

Q: What days do you work?
A: Wednesday-Sunday with a start time of 1pm with my last appointment starting at 5pm. 

Q: How many hours does a tattoo usually take?
A: Tattoos typically take around 1-3 hrs. For larger pieces, we will make a plan for time and pricing.

Q: I’m under 18, will you tattoo me?
A: No. 18 and older, with no exceptions.

Q: Do I have to place a deposit down to secure an appointment?
A: Yes, a $100 non-refundable deposit will be paid via PayPal. Once we have mutually decided on a time, in order to confirm your space you have 72h to send your deposit over. If you do not send your deposit over within that time period, you will forfeit your time slot.

Q: Is payment due at the time of my tattoo?
A: Yes, payment is due at your tattoo appointment in cash or PayPal and your $100 deposit is deducted from the total cost.

Q: Is there anything you absolutely, positively won’t do?
A: I will never, ever tattoo hate-speech or supremacist images, firearm related imagery, and culturally appropriative pieces.

Q: Where are you located?
A: I am located in a private studio in northern Greenpoint, Brooklyn, accessible by car, bus and the G-Train. After confirming our appointment, I will send you the studio address!

Thank you!